
Avoiding the Flu

Flu season is coming to an end but have you gotten your shot?Health Services is now out of the flu vaccine, but the good news is that the flu season is almost over.

The flu season usually lasts between November through about March. Every year is different in the outbreak of the flu, the type of flu and flu vaccine. Because of this variance, it is difficult to predict how much of the flu vaccine will be needed. Randy Tompkins, Nurse Practitioner of Health Services, says that one year there will be too much of the vaccine and the next there will not be enough.

Although flu season is coming to an end, there is still next flu season to be worried about. “Even though this flu season has been mild don’t let that influence your decision to get the flu shot next year,” stated Tompkins.

Health Services offers flu shots from the beginning of November and continues until they are out. All students, faculty and staff are eligible for the flu shot. The cost of the shots would be $20 for faculty or staff, and $15 for students. No appointment is necessary to get the shot. Students and staff members would only need to bring their Tech ID number.

The best time to get the shot would be before Christmas break, preceding the peak of the flu season in January. The shot takes effect within two weeks and is at its optimal effectiveness within six weeks. It can last anywhere from six months up to a year. Contrary to what some believe you cannot get the flu from this vaccine.

If you are still worried about getting the flu this season, you can contact your physician and ask to receive a flu shot. You can also go to the Putnam County Health Department located at 121 South Dixie Avenue where the cost will be based on your income, but the general cost is $25.