Prepare for campus to be crowded with business suits and briefcases as February is career fair month. Career Services has prepared two on-campus career fairs that follow Tuesday’s Nashville Career Fair.
The Nashville fair was an education and general fair. The state fairgrounds were divided into two exhibit halls.
The educational fair had more than 100 school systems from around the nation in attendance, while the general fair had nearly 130 businesses including law enforcement offices, retail and engineering opportunities.
“This is a career fair that appeals to all majors,” Career Services Director Alice Camuti said. “We gave out 800 tickets, but usually only 200 attend.”
Tech’s on-campus fairs begin Thursday with the Engineering Fair in the Multipurpose Room of the RUC.
This fair will take place during National Engineers Week and is held in conjunction with the Engineering Joint Council.
Businesses in attendance will be looking primarily for engineers, but Camuti suggests other students attend as well.
“What I tell students is that these companies looking for engineers also have openings in other departments,” Camuti said. “I would go to create conversation and talk to employers.”
Although all students are encouraged to attend this fair, Camuti said computer science, engineering, management information systems, and mathematics majors will be in highest demand.
For more information on Thursday’s Engineering Fair, visit