Month: February 2009


Brett Dennen Review and Interview

It’s hard, but I’ll admit it.I almost left Third & Lindsley once I heard the first mumbled line from singer-songwriter, Brett Dennen. The WRLT Acoustic Christmas opening act, Meiko, had left my heart fluttering with her crisp and whispery croon, and then a guy I thought was just doing a […]


Bryan Symphony Orchestra performs fourth concert

Tech’s Bryan Symphony Orchestra will perform its fourth concert of the 2008-2009 season on Feb. 22. The performance will begin at 3 p.m. in the Wattenbarger Auditorium of the Bryan Fine Arts Building. The concert features the winner of the 2008-2009 Joan Derryberry Memorial Concerto Competition, soloist Ben Elsberry. Pieces […]


Budget Cuts Affecting Every Department on Tech’s Campus

Everyone is feeling the crunch of hard economic times, including many departments on Tech’s campus like International Student Affairs. “When you don’t have much, there is not much to cut.” Said, Director International Student Affairs, Charles Wilkerson when asked how the recent budget cut affected his department. The office of […]


ROTC looking for more nursing majors

Tech’s ROTC is looking for nursing majors to join its program and work toward being commissioned as second lieutenants in the Army Nurse Corps. Advanced degree programs and specialty training is available, paid for by the Army.Nursing students can be eligible for two, three and four year scholarships at Tech […]


SMAC-More Than Just an Acronym

In the face of a difficult economy, would you like to know why you are charged a ten-dollar fee every term that you register? That fee goes to the Chapter 606 Student Monies and Allocation Committee. This committee exists to fund many clubs, student projects and scholarships. This committee is […]


Steelers + refs = Cards get hosed

Santonio Holmes may have won the MVP award, but Steeler fans should consider writing thank-you notes to the officiating crew of Super Bowl XLIII. If you were like me and rooting for Arizona, then I’m sure you were disappointed that a majority of the penalty calls went against the Cardinals. […]