Month: September 2009


Chlamydia is frequent on University campus

Chlamydia is the most common and underreported sexually transmitted disease at Tech, however reported cases are not increasing compared to previous years. “Over the past 30 years, [reported cases of chlamydia] remained virtually the same,” Randy Tompkins, supervisor for the J.J. Oakley Campus Health Services, said. “There were some periods […]


Kurdistan universities helped by College of Engineering

The College of Engineering has joined a curriculum development program to help two universities in Kurdistan receive accreditation for their own engineering programs. Faisal Hossain, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, has been given the assignment of coordinating the development of the undergraduate civil engineering curriculum for the Kurdistan […]


Mathematics Department receives endowment

Tennessee Tech’s Mathematics Department now has a new scholarship fund thanks to a generous donation made last Wednesday. An endowment for the department has been established to honor Emeritus Professor of Mathematics Richard P. Savage, Sr. Don and Marion Savage, Savage’s brother and sister-in-law, gifted the Richard P. Savage, Sr. […]


SGA holds first meeting

New senators learned about parliamentary procedures, bills and the importance of attendance at the first SGA meeting of the year Tuesday night.Attendance will be taken seriously this year because many times last year poor attendance prevented SGA from meeting quorum. Without quorum, bills could not be passed. “A lot of […]


Women’s Center requests article submission for Attune newsletter

The Tech Women’s Center newsletter, Attune, is changing its approach in an attempt to tune in to readers’ interests. The call for submissions for the Fall 2009 publication is for articles on any subject empowering to women, unlike previous years when articles were sought based on matching themes. “We want […]


German Club invites students to celebrate Oktoberfest

The Tech German Club will be sponsoring an Oktoberfest celebration and fundraiser from 6 to 8 p.m., Oct. 1 in South Hall, Room 205.”Oktoberfest,” according to German professor, Julia Baker, “is the event the most Americans know about and try to recreate here.” Celebrated all over the U.S., large festivals […]


Craft Center throws 12th annual Bowl-a-Thon

The Appalachian Center for Craft is hosting its 12th annual Bowl-a-Thon this Saturday, Sept. 26. The event usually hosts anywhere from 30 to 60 crafters throughout the day making various bowls for Habitat for Humanity’s Cookin’ on the Square. “These are people who already know how to wheel-throw or hand-build […]


Tech police searching for vandalism suspects

Tech police are still searching for suspects involved in spray painting derogatory words and pictures on campus property and student vehicles. According to the Tech police report filed on Sept. 19, several students reported that their vehicles had foul words and pictures painted on them. One complainant stated that his […]


CDL hosts parent picnic

The Child Development Lab (CDL) will be hosting its annual Welcome Back Picnic for CDL parents and children tonight. The picnic for new and returning families will begin at 5 p.m. at Sherlock Park and end around 7 p.m. There will be two bounce houses for children to play in, […]


Health care needs cure, not bandage

How sick are you of hearing about health care?The government spent hours (and thousands of pages) writing and rewriting proposal after proposal for a national health care plan. Tea party organizers spent the summer shooting down each proposal. Joe Wilson spent a few seconds of national TV coverage to call […]