
Free tutoring available

Free tutoring, offered through the Academic Development Program, is now available for any Tech student seeking assistance within a variety of subjects. During the past 24 years, this program has helped underprepared students cultivate skills necessary for college level classes. However, many students are unaware that the program is not just for students enrolled in developmental courses.

“Our policy is to never turn anyone away,” Janet Whiteaker, academic development program leader, said.

With the help of 50 to 60 tutors, students can receive help in subjects ranging from foreign languages to chemistry and biology.

Located on the fourth floor of Foster Hall, the full arsenal of the academic development program includes a computer lab, a math lab in Room 411, and a reading and writing lab in 409. Students can also take advantage of the tutoring services in preparation for the Pract1 pre-professional skills test for upper division courses in education.

“Students can use the computer lab to do their math homework and pop across the hall to the math lab if they have a question,” Whiteaker said.

Walk-ins are always welcome or students can set up a tutoring schedule worked around their classes.

The peer-based labs are College Reading and Learning Association certified and assist students in course content as well as studying techniques and test-taking strategies.