
Concert Choir and Chorale look ahead to busy holiday season, audition time

The music department at Tech is about to embark on two busy seasons. From the fall concert to the candlelight Christmas concert, there is much in store for students who want to experience musical entertainment this semester.At the beginning of the fall semester, the music department was busy with the Festival of Voices and the Mozart Coronation Mass concert; both in the Bryan Fine Arts building. Now they are looking forward to three scheduled concerts and other small performances taking place throughout the community. They are very excited about the concert, said Sarah Dingwall, junior vocal music major.

“Our (fall) concert on Tuesday was a really big deal,” Dingwall said. “It was a combination of Concert Choir and Chorale which involves more than 125 students on campus.”

This year’s fall concert was made up of pieces from composers like Bach, Eric Whitacre, Mark Butler, and a few others. According to Dingwall, one of the pieces by Eric Whitacre was especially impressive. It included an array of instruments with handbells and thunder sheets.

“Chorale performed ‘Cloudburst’ by Eric Whitacre. This is a pretty spectacular piece involving more than just our ordinary voices,” Dingwall said.

Not only are the vocalists busy, the band is also looking forward to an engaged semester. In the upcoming months, the All Star Symposium will take place in the BFA. This involves over 300 high school students from around the state. Also, auditions

for the symphony band and concert band are coming up. This is particularly important, according to Dingwall.

“The audition involves more than 200 people because there are many non-majors who could get scholarships for this.”

There are more events scheduled for later in the semester as well. Chorale will travel to Santa’s Workshop and sing Christmas carols for shoppers on at 2 p.m. Nov. 22. Also, the annual Candlelight Christmas concert is scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Dec. 4 and 5, at the BFA. Admission is free for students with their Tech I.D.