With the wild success of Avatar (2009), many critics and viewers were quick to celebrate the next 3-D revolution in film. However, a look at the history, financial success and health concerns, shows that the new revolution might just be a case of déj vu. And what about filmmakers going […]
Month: March 2010
Movie Talk: Alice
Alice in Wonderland picks up when Alice is nineteen and back in the real world. Before you know it, the denizens of Wonderland bring her back so she can realize her destiny: to end the Red Queen’s rule.Overall, the movie was decent but suffered from a couple problems throughout the […]
Honors program offers intellectual movie series for all interested students
The Honors Program provides a social and intellectual event every Saturday.Mindful Movies is an event where a movie is shown and then discussed. All students, including those not in the honors program, are invited to attend. Located in the Honors Lounge, in TJ Farr, Mindful Movies is easily accessible. Despite […]
Tech student recieves engineering scholarship from Nashville-based company
Two Tennessee college students have each received a $1,000 scholarship from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Tennessee (ACEC of Tennessee). Paul A. “Sparks” Sparks, a graduate engineering student at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, received the state scholarship. Emily Epperson, an undergraduate civil engineering student at Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, […]
Comics that should be on your radar: Fables
The Fables series is a fresh look at the fairytale genre of stories. Created by Bill Willingham, the long-running series offers an interesting interpretation at nearly every fable, fairytale or tall tale.The fables once lived in a world of their own before an evil entity, The Adversary, systematically destroyed most […]
Go inside the booth: Kassi Thomas
Kassi Thomas hosts “Horseback Harmonies” on WTTU 88.5 FM. The Oracle had a chance to sit down with Kassi while she aired the most recent installment of her show.Q: Any DJ names and the story behind them? KT: It’s always just been “Kassi” except for the semester I cohosted a […]
Panhellenic executive members attend conference
The Health Fair returns to Tech April 13 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in both gymnasiums of the Fitness Center. “We are hoping with the new extended hours that more people will be able to fit it into their schedules,” Ramona Mahood-Pennington, health promotions coordinator, said. “This is a […]
Tech to host health fair in mid-April
The Health Fair returns to Tech April 13 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in both gymnasiums of the Fitness Center. “We are hoping with the new extended hours that more people will be able to fit it into their schedules,” Ramona Mahood-Pennington, health promotions coordinator, said. “This is a […]
Macke denies housing requirement rumors
Charles Macke, director of Housing, cleared rumors of sophomores living off campus next school year. With an additional residential hall going up, 2,300 students will be able to live on campus in the fall. Sign-ups for housing is taking place during the last two weeks of March. “We will have […]
The Clothesline Project returns to Tech next month
The Clothesline Project, a display that offers a voice to those affected by domestic and sexual violence, will be presented from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 6 in the RUC Tech Pride Room. The room will be filled with shirts designed by […]