
Craft Center presents 12th Annual Celebration of Craft

The Appalachian Center for Craft will host its 12th Annual Celebration of Craft Saturday. Featured in its silent auction is artist in residence Melody Tiemann.Tiemann’s work focuses on clay and uses earthenware, stoneware, underglaze and glaze.

“The question, ‘what happens if.’ was a dominant aspect in the creation of the work,” Tiemann said.

Her collection includes three pieces entitled “Spring,” four pieces entitled “Nostalgia,” two pieces entitled “Passing,” and various others.

“The imagery became reflections of my moods and inner thoughts about relationships, transitions and memories,” Tiemann said.

“I borrowed techniques from industry in the creation of for through the use of molds and templates and from printmaking for ideas about applying surface.”

The silent auction will be held Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free, and more information can be found at www.tntech.edu/craftcenter/celebration.