
Student groups apply for 606 Funds

Five organizations applied to receive grant funds from the Student Monetary Allocations Committee. SMAC, also known as Chapter 606, listened to several organizations at its first official meeting 11:00 a.m. last Tuesday. The organizations were each given a chance to appear before the Chapter 606 committee. They each presented the purpose and cause for their request of funds. Each of these organizations has applied to Chapter 606 in past semesters. Marc Burnett, Student Affairs vice-president, wanted to make clear that participation of the applicants is key to being granted money.

“The money is irrelevant, really,” Burnett said. “It is more a question of what they are trying to do. We are not paying for students to go on trips. We’re paying for students to go to programs where they are going to be an integral part of what happens.”

Pi Kappa Delta’s Speech and Debate Team applied for $5,005.08. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers applied for $600. The Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Club applied for $2, 688.80. The GeoClub applied for $2,850.00. The American Choral Director’s Association applied for $2,600.

Each of the listed groups was considered by the committee. Some received the full amount of what they asked, as was the case for the Speech and Debate Team. The Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Club did not get its requested funds because they were not going to be participating directly in the conference they would be attending.

Chapter 606 has $100,101.60 in total funds and gives out no more than five percent of its funds at any meeting to prolong the usefulness of its program. The guidelines they follow help to spread the money out over a semester. The next meeting of Chapter 606 is 11:00 a.m. next Tuesday.