
Runway show embraces body image

Four out of five women in the United States are dissatisfied with their appearance, according to the National Organization for Women Foundation.Tech’s second annual Project Reality Runway is an alternative fashion show featuring students and faculty.

“It’s an interesting alternative to mainstream fashion and social norms,” said Kassi Thomas, WTTU personality who will be emceeing the event for the second year.

Project Reality Runway is scheduled for 11 a.m. Tuesday in the RUC Multipurpose Room as a part of NOW Foundation’s Love Your Body Day. It is sponsored by the Women’s Center, WTTU and Tech’s Lambda chapter.

“The show is designed to highlight what people like about themselves and how they choose to costume themselves, how they choose to live their lives,” said Diana Lalani of the Women’s Center. “It’s not a parody, but it’s spoof-like in quality. (safeanimalshelter/) We don’t take ourselves too seriously.”

The show focuses on having a positive body images and resisting degrading advertisements. The body type portrayed in advertising as the ideal is possessed naturally by less than five percent of females, according to The Social Issues Research Center.

“I would like to see more ads with men swooning over an average-sized woman,” said participant Sarah Hehnen. “We have been so conditioned to accept that women who are not a size 0 are incapable of being sexy or wanted.”

While this year’s auditions ended Wednesday and are closed, there is talk of having promoted, open casting calls in the future to allow for a more comprehensive representation of the Tech community.

“This is a great chance to do something good,” Will Sheckler, who completed the paper audition, said. “It’s not something you see every day. A friend told me about it, since I’m always doing something different or crazy.”

Attendees may be photographed at the event to be featured in the Women’s Center November Be-You-tiful display.

“I only hope that Love Your Body Day will have an even greater turn out this year,” participant Katey Perkins said. “I believe everyone should feel comfortable in his or her own skin.”

For more information, e-mail Lalani at womenscenter@tntech.edu, or stop by the Women’s Center in Penebaker Hall, Room 203 Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-noon and 1 p.m.-4:30 p.m.