The First Tuesday Book Club will be meeting during dead hour Tuesday in the Women’s Center located in Pennebaker Hall Room 203. The meetings are free and open to all students; faculty and staff, including men.”In the past we have had a good mix of all three,” said club member Katey Perkins. “Hopefully, our numbers will keep growing, so we can get an even more interesting discussion going. We like to encourage new members-anyone who likes to read or enjoys discussing books.”
The meetings are less structured than they were when the club first formed, and now you bring your own book.
“With our loose format, attendees bring in a large variety of books,” Perkins said. “We’ve had a lot of Sci-Fi, but also books about women in politics and the sciences.”
There has been talk among the members of having one meeting per semester focus on an agreed upon reading and keeping all other meetings as they are now. As an alternative, all future meetings may pertain to an agreed upon book. This will be discussed at Tuesday’s meeting.
The book club evolved out of a discussion group at the suggestion of an incoming student. The group was formed last fall as the only book club on campus and meets at 11 a.m. the first Tuesday of every month during regular semester periods. The meetings last no longer than 50 minutes, so attendees can get to class on time.
“There is really no set path that the book club really takes,” Perkins said. “Each meeting has been fairly unique, and we really aren’t sure what we’ll discuss until we actually start talking.
“One of my favorite aspects of the club is that the broad range of book genres and topics lead us into the most interesting and diverse discussions.
“I would say our most popular book has been ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by Margaret Atwood. The discussion was so wonderful that we ended up scheduling an additional club meeting just to continue our discussion.”
There will be light refreshments offered at the coming meeting.
For more information, call The Women’s Center at (931) 372-3850 or visit