A Tech freshman was elected National Future Farmers of America’s southern regional vice president Oct. 22. James Flatt, a freshman in the School of Agriculture, was elected vice president at the National FFA annual meeting in Indianapolis. The convention was attended by 55,000 FFA members from across the United States representing the 520,000 members nationwide. Flatt’s election came as no surprise to those who know him.
Last year, it had been 21 years since an FFA member from Tennessee had been elected to a national FFA office. It has been nearly 80 years since Tennessee has had back-to-back National FFA officers elected.
“It has been a pleasure to get to know James over the past two years, first as a high school senior and then as a student here at Tech,” John Rose, Tennessee FFA Foundation president said. “James has a warm and personable personality. He is a natural leader.”
James is majoring in agricultural business. He is the immediate former-president of the Tennessee FFA, having been elected to the position while a senior at Wilson Central High School. Flatt came to Tech on the “Rose Scholarship,” the largest scholarship given at Tech.
In high school James was involved in track, cross-country running, the school choral group and barbershop programs, as well as being a member of the National Honors Society.
Flatt has competed in several state-wide and national events in FFA.
“He is truly one of our best students here at Tech,” said Jimmie Loftis, Tennessee FFA Foundation executive director.
Phillip Baker, Cookeville Farm Bureau Agency manager, said, “Wow! What’s in the water there at Tech? Not only is Tech the home for State FFA officers, it is also the home for National FFA officers.