
Tuition money to be exhausted next week

It takes $4.60 to operate Tech for one second. If students’ tuitions and fees were the only things operating Tech, the money would run out March 1, and Tech would no longer be running. Most of the funds to run Tech come from alumni dollar gifts and state help. Only 22 percent of funding is from student tuition and fees.

“We want to educate students to show them where their tuition dollars are going,” said Kristie Phillips, Annual Programs director.

Annual Programs has put together a celebration to educate students on how much it really costs to run Tech for a day. They got the idea from other universities around the South.

The celebration will start at dead hour March 1 on South Patio. It will be carnival-themed with food and games.

“Everything is free for students, and Greeks will be able to earn participation points to put towards their Greek Week total,” Philips said.

The celebration is called Tuition Runs Out Day and exists to show students what day Tech has used all of their tuition money.

Annual Programs plan is to educate students and build awareness on campus. They plan to make this an annual event.

Signs will be put on buildings with price tags to say how much things actually cost.

“We want students to realize how much things really cost around here,” Phillips said.

Volunteers will be operating booths and educating students. They will be asking for donations.

“If we can get students to donate any amount of money,” said Phillips, “that would be great, but money is not our first objective. It’s education.”

Some of the booths that will be set up are dunk tank, four-square, corn hole, and goldfish toss. A food booth will have pop corn, cotton candy, a deep fryer, and more.

Tech cheerleaders and Golden Eagle will also be in attendance, as well as the Magic 98.5 bus to provide music.

Volunteers will be handing out coupons, and there will be prizes. Some of the give-away items include T-shirts, food coupons, and Tech Athletic items.

“The celebration will take place rain or shine, and everyone is invited,” Phillips said. “We hope to have a big turnout. I mean, what students wouldn’t want free food?