
House on the Wall fundraiser yields success

Journalism students have been raising money for Habitat for Humanity by building a House on the Wall in the RUC since March 21. The project has been successful so far. The goal is to have an entire house built by the time the project ends. On the first day, the class raised $63 for Habitat, with 63 bricks being sold for $1 each. In the first week, $144.48 was raised for Habitat.

On March 28, a local business, Sunoco, bought the door of the house for $200. On March 31, one of the windows was purchased for $100 by a business fraternity on campus, Alpha Kappa Si, bringing the total for the second week to $472.74. So far, the grand total that has been raised for Habitat is $617.22.

House on the Wall ends today. There is also a sign up sheet for volunteers and one for anyone interested in becoming a part of Habitat for Humanity. All proceeds go to the campus chapter of Habitat for Humanity.

For more information, e-mail Brenda Wilson, journalism assistant professor, at brendawilson@tntech.edu.