Day: September 15, 2011


Philanthropies week shortened

Those in the Greek community are adjusting their calendars from allowing weeklong philanthropic events to now give only two days for each organization. The first greek organizations to plan under this new rule are Kappa Sigma with their South Seas events on Sept. 21 and 22 and Sigma Alpha Epsilon […]


Custodial outsourcing issue on table

Despite months of dissension, discussion and demonstration, Tech administrators have not been able to resolve the custodial outsourcing issue. The problems surrounding this subject are both economic and emotional.  Tech spends approximately 1.5 percent more of its budget in the Operations and Maintenance of Plant category when compared to the […]


Semester starts with construction underway

Several construction projects are going on throughout campus, some small enough that they do not affect students and activities and some so large that they displace students, classrooms, meeting areas and offices.   Henderson Hall, Derryberry Hall, South Patio, Tech Village, and a number of other areas are being renovated. […]


Tech students least likely to default on loans

As the national student debt rises steadily higher, Tech graduates are managing to avoid the burden of massive student loans. CNBC recently reported that America’s student loan debt is growing at a rate of $2,853.88 per second. At this pace, it will surpass $1 trillion in 2012. According to an […]

Top Stories

President Bell advises patience for successor

After 36 years of service to Tech, President Bob Bell has announced his plan to retire next July. The announcement was made July 8, in a formal letter to faculty and staff. “I’m sad to go,” said Bell. “I wake up every day and I’m glad I made the decision, […]


Wanted: Opinions

Welcome to your opinion page.   I know all of you have your own ideas about current events on campus and around the world.  I know you look at difficult issues, examine the facts and draw your own conclusions.  I want to hear what you have to say. When I […]


Signs of courtesy lacking on elevators

One of the most frustrating feelings is when you are riding an elevator, it stops at the intended destination, slowly opens its doors, and then before you can even think about stepping out, a crowd of people start rushing in. While they could be in a hurry too, they should […]


Remember unity, not just tragedy

Earlier this week, our nation honored the 10th anniversary of the events of Sept. 11, 2001. It is difficult for anyone in the public forum to offer an original thought or remark about what happened that day and while the statements released from President Bush, President Obama and others on […]


Tech Activities Board Partnership Encourages Pregame Festivities

A new co-sponsorship between the Tech Activities Board and TTU Athletics has changed the way students can experience Golden Eagle football this fall. Newly implemented TAB tailgates are encouraging students to be a part of a movement making Stadium Drive the place to be before home football games. Each home […]


In praise of my University

As I glance at my class schedule I don’t just see class times.  I see five days a week that I’m in paradise, also known as 1000 North Dixie Ave. I really believe there is no better place to be than the Tech campus here in Putnam County.   I […]