At 10 p.m. every Thursday, students gather in the lobby of New Hall North for light conversation over free pancakes.
New Hall North resident assistants continue pancake night, a regular event targeting hungry Tech students, with the help of Tech’s Treehouse learning village.
“It gives the students a good break, a good social time,” Caitlin McCowan, assistant coordinator of the Treehouse, said. “And it’s neat because when they’re standing in line for pancakes, they’re talking to people they didn’t know. So it definitely meets the community goal we’re after as Res. Life.”
According to McCowan, the process is simple. A team of RAs make each student two free pancakes with choice of chocolate chips, butter and syrup.
“Generally by 10 after, there’s a line out the door. It is rare for us to have less than 100 people,” McCowan said.
The amount of ingredients used is evidence of the event’s popularity among the campus-wide audience.
“Every week we have pancake night, we’re probably going through three gallons of syrup and eight boxes of batter,” McCowan said.
The event is now directed by Michelle Best, a junior at Tech. According to Best, Sara Lynes, a former Tech student, is responsible for starting pancake night during the 2009-2010 school year.
“Two years ago, she lived in Jobe-Murphy, and she used to do it in there,” Best said. “Then she asked Caitlin if we could do it in here and it just kinda turned into a big thing.”