
Excessive printing charges to begin summer semester

The third and final stage of Pharos printing system is scheduled to begin this summer.

 Students who exceed the established printing limit will begin incurring charges, with those charges returning to the Technology Access Fee funds. Faculty and staff are being tracked by Information Technology Services on a separate Pharos group.

The fee pays for student printing, campus internet access, computers for student use and classroom technology.

“It’s important that the money is staying in that project,” Annette Littrell, ITS manager, said.

The money generated from students exceeding the printing limit is expected to fund technology ventures and other projects.

“The Technology Access Fee is the same for all majors and any amount generated will be returned to the line item in Technology Access Fee that’s budgeted for printing supplies,” Littrell said.

Littrell said ITS does not decide who receives Technology Access Fee dollars.

The department chairs and college deans prioritize the list of projects, then the Strategic Planning Subcommittee of the Information Technology Committee receives these lists and recommends projects to the provost for approval.

“As time goes on, if the amount allocated for printing decreases, then the money can go for other things other than student printing,” Littrell said. “After the Pharos system has been put into place and in effect for a few regular semesters, we will look at the total pages printed and adjust the prioritized line item accordingly in the next budget.”

Other features and capabilities in the final stage of Pharos implementation include the ability to print from personal computers both on and off campus by sending print jobs to campus printers.