
Sustainability is still an important issue

I have been a Tech student for two years now. I have experienced two homecoming campaigns and two SGA executive campaigns. Now, I think we can all agree that on Homecoming voting day the campus is chaotic. Most students try to avoid the hot spots like South Patio and the Grill. Last year, SGA elections were not as hectic. However, this year was a different case.

I think it is great to see students who have a desire to make Tech’s campus better. I am all for good, healthy competition. A good competition includes two opponents making their arguments on why they deserve the position. A good argument should include if you are the best qualified, how long you have been involved in SGA, which committees you serve on, etc.

Your qualification should not be based on if you are or are not a part of a Greek organization. As a member of a Greek organization, I felt offended when I read chalk art stating, “vote the non-greek.” I heard many other members of Greek organizations voice their opinion about that statement as well. It was taken as there is something wrong with being Greek.

When people vote for a position it should be because they are the best person for the position. I encourage all the students to vote on the person’s qualification, not by the letters on their chest.