
Speaker to recount unconventional year-long biblical experiment

Award-winning author and popular Christian blogger, is coming to Tech to present her latest project, “A Year of Biblical Womanhood.”
A happily married and self-described “thoroughly liberated” Christian, Evans chose to explore evangelical ideas regarding a woman’s proper place in society. In her latest book, Evans spent a year attempting to follow all of the Bible’s instructions for women as literally as possible.
Evans will discuss her experiences Sept. 27 in Derryberry Hall.
Diana Lalani, secretary for the Women’s Center, read Evans’ first book and was intrigued.
“Evans’ fresh approach to Christianity, her sense of humor and her unconventional biblical experiments present her with an interesting story to relate to her audiences,” Lalani said. “We always try to bring strong women figures that can inspire young women. We want to bring speakers that the students can relate to.”
Evans’ book “Evolving in Monkey Town” explores the relationship between faith and doubt. She recounts the challenges of asking tough questions about Christianity in the context of the Bible Belt.
According to Evans’ blog, “My purpose in embarking on this project is not to belittle or make fun of the Bible, nor is it to glorify its patriarchal elements. It is simply to start a conversation about how we interpret and apply the Bible to our lives.
In the end, I hope my misadventures inspire women to cut themselves and one another some slack…because the truth is, we all do a little ‘picking and choosing’ when it comes to biblical womanhood!”
Evans’ presentation is sponsored by the Women’s Center, in cooperation with Center Stage, and will be held in Derryberry Hall Auditorium Sept. 27 at 7 p.m.
Students will need to bring their Eagle Card to get in.