
Student entrepreneur launches clothing line

Tech student, Brittnee Robinson, has developed her own clothing business, Campus Stache.
Robinson is a senior human ecology major, and local entrepreneur. She visited the craft store last summer to get things she needed for a project. ( She said that the new inventory of fabric was brought into the store that day. Robinson said she ended up leaving with all of this fabric she did not need and had no clue what she was going to do with it.
She said that after her return home, her brother wanted a pocket shirt.
“The idea kind of clicked with me to make one with the fabric I had just purchased, and it grew from there,” Robinson said.
Campus Stache is a collection of T-shirts, long sleeves, tank tops, and sweatshirts in which the buyer can select the article’s color, and the pocket design to be attached.
“Our tagline is where your style meets our pockets,” said Robinson.
This clothing line sells retail for sizes newborn to adult. She said they have a new collection of clothing coming out now to promote the smaller sizes of their merchandise, Baby Stache and Stache Junior. They have the same shirts that they sell in their adult line.
A local organization in Nashville, Blood: Water Missions receives the donation of 15 percent of Campus Stache’s profits each quarter.
“We were always taught to give back so it was very important to us to donate to a non-profit organization,” she said.
Robinson sells Campus Stache clothing in the University Center lobby every Thursday at 11 a.m. and on her website