
Tau Kappa Epsilon to bring Tennessee Rappers

Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity will be hosting a Big Smo concert at Cowboys Nov. 13.

“TKE is very excited to host an event that all Tech students can enjoy,” TKE member Nate Stout said. “It is awesome that we have the opportunity to partner up with Cowboys and these upcoming artists and bring some exciting entertainment to Cookeville.”

Big Smo is a new upcoming country rapper from Shelbyville with a few major hits. He just signed a contract with Warner Brothers Records. Artists Tha Styder, Momoney and Yung J will be opening for Big Smo. Yung J is an upcoming artist from the Cookeville area.

“Fraternities can register events such as concerts for Tech students, but you don’t see it often,” Stout said. “We saw the opportunity with Cowboys and we jumped at the chance. It is always nice to meet new Tech students and give them something fun they can attend that gives them a stress-free break from school.”

Some students are excited to go see these upcoming artists.

“I like to listen to Big Smo’s music,” freshman Marianna Cheplick said. “His music gets me hyped. In my opinion, he kind of sounds like Colt Ford. I am pumped he is coming to Cookeville. I can’t wait to go see him with all my friends.”

David Farmer said he loves seeking out new music and is always excited when upcoming artists come to the area.

“I really love finding unique artists to listen to,” Tech student David Farmer said. “I haven’t heard anything from Yung J, but I have heard a couple of Big Smo’s songs on Youtube. I’m excited to discover these new artists and kick back and chill with friends at Cowboys. The venue is perfect.”

Madison Chumley, sophomore, said, “My major is really stressful and challenging and it is like a breath of fresh air to have something like this that we can do to get our minds off of school. The music is good, the venue is good and it is an inexpensive activity to do with friends. Being a broke and stressed college student, that sounds like a win to me.”

For questions or ticket information email Jacob Alea at