
“I want the ‘landmark’ of my university to be its academics, not a foolishly built fitness center.”

Responsibility. That is all this Tennessee Tech student wants. I attend this university not because of the “perks” of having an Eagle Card; I attend this university to receive an education.

When I first heard about the plans for a new fitness center, I had mixed emotions. After further thought, it became clear to me how unfit (pun not intended) this plan is.

Our current fitness center (although crowded) CAN accommodate the current student population. In a university so focused on RENOVATION over construction (the exception being the new science building), I am astounded by the thought of raising tuition for a brand new fitness center. South Hall, Tech East Village, Evins Hall, Southwest Hall, Warf Hall, all of these building are being renovated (and for good reason.)

So why in the world would the Fitness Center, just barely reaching TWENTY-TWO years old, be set aside to build an entirely new fitness center? Why not merely renovate?

Beyond those complaints, let me quote from the “Act to Build a New Fitness/Intramural Facility” SGA Bill F13-009.

“A new facility… would serve as a landmark on the university campus.” I’m not sure about you, but I want the “landmark” of my university to be its academics, not a foolishly built fitness center. And honestly, I don’t know if I would be proud to attend a university that considers its “landmark” to be its gym.
We are bombarded by problems at this university that are all VASTLY more important than not getting the time you wanted on racquetball court #4. Classes fill up impossibly fast and then go over capacity (sometimes by an extra 10 people), we’ve been putting students in MOTELS because we don’t have enough dorm rooms due to renovations, and DON’T even get me started on parking. The last thing I want to pay $100 extra per semester for is a new gym when we have a perfectly functional, young, fitness center.

Please express your opinions (either in agreement or disagreement) to any member of the SGA. For specific people to point fingers at, Nathan Cole (Senator, College of A&S) submitted Bill F13-009 with Andrea Shook (Senator, College of A&S) sponsoring.