
Renowed activist Eve Ensler to come to Tech

World renowned author, activist, playwright and performer Eve Ensler will be coming to speak Monday, Feb. 10 at Derryberry Hall Auditorium at 7 p.m. Ensler will speak about her activism for women’s rights, her lifelong dedication and her works for women’s rights.

Her Tony Award-winning play, “The Vagina Monologues,” has been performed eight times at the Backdoor Playhouse. Profits from each performance have benefited local violence prevention services.

The success of “The Vagina Monologues” allowed Ensler to create the global activist movement, V-Day, to end violence against women everywhere. The theme for 2014 is One Billion Rising for Justice and is centered on the fact that one in three women will be beaten or raped in their lifetime around the world.

“She chose us because we are involved during her movement,” Diana Lalani, a member of the TTU Women’s Center staff, said. “Because she’s an artist, her work is inspiring and entertaining. It’s not all scary stuff.”

Lalani said Tech is fortunate to have Ensler speak and that she chose our invitation above many others.

Lydia Brown is a member of the Cookeville Vagina Warriors,a group of veteran Vagina Monologue actors. Brown said she feels like V-Day is a chance to get everyone out to show support and raise awareness.

“Women don’t just need to be protected,” Brown said. “We need to be empowered.”

According to the V-Day website, the movement’s mission is to create a “planet in which women will be free to thrive rather than survive.”

The One Billion Rising for Justice Movement is not only about sexual assault; it is for any type of violence against women.      

Ensler has been named among the “100 Most Influential Women” by The Guardian and is one of Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Changed the World.”

Her appearance is free and open to the public. The talk is a Center Stage event and is hosted by the Women’s Center and Tech Players.