College savings.
New car.
Dream vacation.
Nope-just plastic surgery. That’s what mother and wife Kitty decided to buy with her $25,000.
This lady wanted to look like a celebrity and was “willing to pay for six plastic surgery procedures to carve herself into looking even more like Jennifer Lawrence,” according to ABC News.
Kitty claims she had been stopped on the street multiple times as people would commonly mistake her for Lawrence herself. As she went in to foot the outrageous bill, she signed up to change her appearance forever.
In all honesty, her new look falls short of the “Hunger Games” idol. But, what has fallen even lower are the dignity of our generation and the malpractice of parenting she performed.
Kitty has a 5-year-old daughter and a husband who doesn’t find the surgery necessary. Without even putting it out there, we can obviously see that influence isn’t motivating her, and her regard for natural beauty is out the window as she will now have to explain to her daughter that we’re not born “pretty enough.”
Kitty’s husband wasn’t as gung ho for the surgery and said, “Jennifer Lawrence isn’t a celebrity that I have particularly strong feelings about one way or the other.”
Entertainment Weekly caught Kitty in an unfortunate light as she said, “Basically the money that I had for this was money that I had saved from previous job…so it was sort of a ‘me fund.’ My child’s only five, and I’m still just barely 30, so I think I still feel like maybe it’s naiveté, but I still have some time to rack up some money to help her when the time comes.”
Priorities, Kitty. Priorities.
Maybe it is the “selfie” generation or the high pedestal on which we place celebrities, but we have got to stop thinking we have to fit a perfect mold. Kitty is a prime example of how not to spend your money.
Sure, $25,000 could go anywhere, but should celebrity look-alike surgery really be such a leisurely and frivolous option?