
Annual Health fair Tuesday at Fit

The annual health fair will take place this Tuesday, April the 8, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Tech Fitness Center.

Last year, over 1,500 people attended the event, with between 50 and 60 organizations presenting. Organizations in attendance included GNC, EXPW Club, Crossfit Mayhem, and Outdoor Experience.

Abbey Jaffe, health and promotions coordinator, expects there to be the same amount of organizations present this year. However, unlike years past, a third party will not represent the Health and Promotions Office.

“For the first time ever, we are going to be representing ourselves,” said Jaffe. “Hopefully this will give people a chance to see what Health Promotions offers.”

The office’s staff will be around to talk about equipment orientations and exercise recommendations. The personal trainers and massage therapist will be on hand to answer questions, as well.

During dead hour, Jaffe and the fitness instructors will help with demonstrations that showcase different fitness routines and workouts.

The Health and Promotions Office will also work in conjunction with Cookeville Regional Medical Center to provide free and reduced blood work.

The first 20 students to sign up for blood work will receive either a free lipid profile or a free chemical profile.

 The blood work, along with health screenings, will take place in the Multipurpose Room and in the Health Promotions Office to offer more privacy to individuals.

Health screenings will include vascular screenings, bone density testing, and pulmonary testing.

 “I’m currently on a weight loss journey myself and the health fair is something that excites me,” Tech student LaTausha Slaven said. “I have lost over 100 pounds and am looking forward to learning new ways to stay healthy.”

Jaffe said inflatable sumo wrestling suits will also be available to students to keep the event from becoming stale and just for overall fun.

Students will be handed visitation sheets when they enter the health fair. Filling out these sheets and getting signatures from certain booths will enter them into a door prize drawing contest.

Prizes could be anything ranging from iPods, kindles, Tech gear, gift cards, and much more.

In addition, the first 200 students that turn that same sheet into the staff will receive a free lunch. They will have their choice of grilled chicken, hamburger, or veggie wrap along with chips, a cookie, and a beverage.

“I’ve never been to the health fair here at Tech,” said Tech student Kelsey Stevens. “I may go this year because there seems to be some fun things going on.”

Any student or organization interested in setting up a booth, or those with new ideas are urged to contact Abby Jaffe in the Health Promotions Office.