The ‘Real Housewives of New York City have finally come back from their extended hiatus. I was worried there for a while as to whether they would be back at all, but I should have known better. The ladies of NYC have always been a staple in the Housewives franchise. Quite frankly, they are my favorite. I mean, it’s crazy broads fighting in New York City and the Hamptons – what’s not to love? Last season, after three new girls (Carol, Heather, and Aviva) were added to the fray, along with Ramona, the Countess Luann, and Sonja, it was a slow build. It took the new girls some time to warm up to being filmed and the veterans time to get acquainted with them.
This year, however, they are back and better than ever. Really, it’s that good. The same cast is back, along with new girl Kristen Taekman. Luann was also demoted to a “friend of the housewives.” Four episodes in and this is already the best season in New York’s history. I would even go as far to say it’s already bested this latest season of the Beverly Hills housewives.
Little time was wasted before the cat fighting began, and, in episode two, Carole and Aviva went at it over Bookgate. Yes, Bookgate. It’s sort of like Watergate only it’s not at all. These ladies tore into one another. The always subtle Carole, whom I love, even yelled and cursed. I loved it. The season preview was crazy. With trips to the Berkshires and Montana, this season looks to have no shortage of fun and drama.
Speaking of Carole, she is the smartest woman in the cast. She’s a three-time Emmy award winning journalist, bestselling author, and she’s a princess. No really, she is. She was married to Anthony Radziwill, son of Carole Bouvier and nephew of Jackie Kennedy, whose father Albrecht was a Polish prince. Carole is the real deal.
Sonja is also a favorite of mine. She’s a hot mess, but it doesn’t stop her from being true to herself. She’s funny, loveable, and extremely attractive. I want Sonja to win and am always routing for her. She is the comedic relief on the show and I generally laugh out loud every week because of her shenanigans or something she says. After joining midway through third season, Sonja Morgan is still a fun time I’d hang out with any day.
New girl on block, Kristen, is quickly stealing the show in the early part of the new season. She meshes well with the group, is a natural on camera, and is unafraid to speak her mind. Her tagline in the opener is, “I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m pretty.” Now, it’s not my favorite Housewives intro ever, but, hey, I give her credit for going balls to the wall with it. Don’t be mistaken though, she is indeed smart and she can read a person really well. Her personality is quirky and kooky mixed with some naughty language and I appreciate that. She’s a breath of fresh air and I can’t wait to see more.
The other girls are great, as well. Ramona is the only original left and is still as fun as ever to watch. LuAnn, although no longer a main housewife, is a key part of this show. For me, it’s hard to imagine the New York ladies with the Countess. Heather is proving to be great this year. She is in your face, rough and tough, and makes great use of time on the show. I wouldn’t cross her. Aviva is, well, herself. She’s nuts and probably needs a daily dose of Xanax, but she makes for great TV.
The sixth season of ‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ has barely gotten underway and it’s been a fun, exciting ride already. I have no shame (Fine, maybe a little) in admitting that the Housewives are my guilty pleasure. It’s fun to see the sociology of how the dynamics change and people interact. Oh, and, well, I do enjoy it when crazy broads fight. I can’t help it.
‘The Real Housewives of New York City’ airs Tuesday nights on Bravo at 9/8 central.