Over the last year and a half of writing for The Oracle, readers have come to expect an extreme, conservative Christian viewpoint from me.
Well, to be honest, I don’t think of myself so much as a conservative, but rather that I am unashamed of the Gospel and my writing has expressed that consistently. I prefer to call myself a fervent Christian who walks on the conservative side of politics.
I recently viewed the movie “God’s Not Dead” and, though my struggles with being a Christian aren’t any where near what that young man went through, or any of the other characters in the movie, I saw myself in it.
The sad part to me about all of this is that I truly believe our nation is the way it is today because we are a spoiled nation. We have so many issues that other countries make fun of this once professed “Christian Nation.”
I know I am far from perfect and my faith isn’t always visible, but, with this article, I want to take a stand. I believe, with every fiber of my being, that God is NOT dead. He is very much alive.
So many people in my first semester on The Oracle wrote complaining about the kind of writer I was and it did hurt when I read those letters, but finally I saw why people would write these things. I am stepping on their sin. They don’t see it as such, but their hearts convict them and they can’t stand it.
But, I know that feeling of conviction, too. Sometimes, I am preaching totally to myself and I convict myself until I feel like the scum of the earth. But, then I remember God’s redeeming love.
I find such joy in that love. In that love I find a peace and a joy that surpasses all understanding. It helps me get through the tough letters to the editor to write again without wanting to make a rebuttal.
I guess you could call this my rebuttal, but I am actually saying thank you to those people who have written in. You all have made me stronger than I ever thought possible.
I am surer of what I am doing on The Oracle staff then I have ever been. I am here to be one small voice, crying out to the Christians on this campus to strive and live a godly lifestyle, one that is holy and pure, no matter what people may say.
God gave me everything I have and I owe Him my life in return. It starts with this position on The Oracle. This is a platform I was hired to fill with my opinion. So, that is what I have done.
If I were to start denying God just to please the people who dislike me, God would then deny me. I know I wouldn’t survive without Him, so there is no way I will stop bringing God into the conversation.
I will restate what every Oracle says on each edition in the Opinions section:
“DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this newspaper do not necessarily reflect those of Tennessee Tech University’s employees or of its administration.”
I want to add to this statement that not all staff members of the Oracle agree with me, but they respect the fact that I, as a journalist, especially an opinions writer, have the right to voice my opinion.
Most of the time, my opinion is what is weighing the most heavily on my heart. Other times, I have to find something that moves me to write.
In the article “Oldham speaks about being a Christian on a secular campus,” President Oldham answered the question of difficulty of being a Christian on a secular campus. He said, “There are many challenges since I do represent this University, higher education in part, the Upper Cumberland. I cannot change who I am. First and foremost, I am a Christian and that colors everything for me, whether it is my position as a husband, father or a president.”
I have to concur with what he said. I cannot change who I am. I am first and forever a Christian. This will dictate everything I do, whether it is as a writer, student or professional.
“I have come to have peace by knowing the One who does know it all and knowing that He is in control,” Oldham said.
My love for God gives me peace in everything I do. So, I ask you now, do you have peace?