
Women’s Center to show movies on unaddressed issues

The Women’s Center will play films in RUC Room 342 twice this November. Both screenings will cover topics that are often overlooked by society. “Latching On: The Politics of Breastfeeding in America” will play at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 for 40 minutes, and “In the Name of the Family” will play at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 18 for 60 minutes. Both films will be followed by a short discussion.

“We don’t normally show movies, but last year we found that it’s fun to show a short, provocative film and then follow up with discussion,” said Angela Jones, a Women’s Center student worker. “A group of students and Women’s Center staff chose the movies.”

“Latching On: The Politics of Breastfeeding in America” is about filmmaker Katja Esson’s sister who gave birth in Germany and could breast-feed her newborn anywhere. Upon her arrival back to New York, she realized this simple act was hardly used. The documentary analyzes all different sides of the act of a child being breast-fed. Information from doctors and specialists as well as opinions from a diverse group of mothers are all provided in this film. Throughout the movie, current practices in the United States are compared with the standard in other countries.

“They chose this movie because it’s educational while being interesting,” said Jones. This film provides the audience with graphic scenes filled with specific statistics and diverse situations. The viewers will then be able to analyze the facts and come up with individual opinions.

“In the Name of the Family” portrays a different situation. Jones had more to explain.

“It brings attention to a specific kind of domestic violence called 'honor killings.’ This topic, for the most part, is unknown to most Americans,” said Jones.

This film shows a situation that often occurs without anyone bringing attention to the subject. Told in the perspective of four teenage North American girls, this movie shares the treatment young women faced.

“This behavior was a remnant of patriarchal tribal cultures,” said Diana Lalani, administrative associate in the Women’s Center. When the women would not respond accordingly to male authority, the women faced cruel treatment.

“The choice of movies reflects the Women’s Center’s desire to promote the education, encouragement and advancement of women,” said Jones.

The TTU Women’s Center Facebook page has more information regarding upcoming events.