
Come on, Everyone! Make me look good!

Hello! Your friendly neighborhood Awesome Eagle here.

It is Homecoming once again. This is always once of my most favorite times of the year. I always love seeing all of the alumni coming back as well as the extra scoop of school spirit added to campus life.

There is one thing that always ruffles my golden feathers around this time of year and that is the use of that out of date picture of me pointing up and to the left. It is the first result when searching my name on Google images.

It’s not that I don’t think it’s a good picture of me. I mean, come on, I’m Awesome Eagle. I don’t take bad pictures. It’s just that this picture is so out of date. I barely remember the picture being taken, but it has to be from the mid to late 1990s. I’ve worked out quite a bit since then and look much better.

When was the last time you saw me not wear shoes? This may be Cookeville, Tenn., but I have standards, folks.

I don’t know what it is, but every time I see this outdated picture on things, I cringe a little.

I like to feel like I’m a fun loving bird, but I just don’t feel like this picture sums up who I am as a bird. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of other pictures in existence to be used.

This picture just makes me seem like a non-spirited sack of feathers.

I was fine the first 30 times I saw it, but come on folks. Dig deeper in the Google search. Find other poses for me.

I applaud all of the groups out there that used other depictions of my feathered face on their Homecoming banners and floats this year. Some of you even imagined me in different ways. One group even had me being depicted as one of my close friends, the Easter Bunny. Quite the honor actually.

So, this is a call to all of you out there designing things. I beg you to please make me look good.

This school’s students are Awesome and I think each one of you make this school the best school around.