Using your dining dollars at sporting events may be possible in the near future due to one of the newest bills passed by Student Government Association.
“An Act to Allow Dining/Flex Dollars to be Accepted at TTU Sporting Events,” written by SGA Senator Drake Fenlon, College of Arts and Sciences, and SGA Senator Morgan Franklin, College of Business, would encourage more student attendance at games becasue they would be able to use their meal plans to buy concessions.
“I go to all the volleyball games,” said Nick Johnson, senior business major. “I would probably go watch other sports if I could use my meal plan at the games. I mean its still food on campus, and I already paid for the meals, so why not be able to use them?”
Currently the concession stands at sporting events are staffed by various student organizations and receive their food from Chartwells. In order for students to be able to use dining dollars at the concession stands, Chartwells and the athletics department would have to work out an agreement.
“I go to all the home football games, and some of the men’s basketball games,” said junior Amber Hammock. “I would definitely attend more games if I could use my flex at the game. That would be way more convenient than having to eat before the game or having to keep cash on me.”
One of the concerns within the SGA while discussing the bill was if allowing students to use flex dollars would raise the prices for those paying in cash.
"I go to games every once in a while, and I don’t think being able to use my flex at games would change that,” said Tiana Jackson, junior exercise science major.
Because the bill just passed, there are many steps it still has to take before it is enacted on campus. There are still logistics that have to be worked out, but the students of Tech may have another place to use their dining dollars on campus.