
Phi Delta Theta brings back All-Sing

Environmental artist Bryant Holsenbeck will be coming to Tech from March 23 to 27 to create a life-sized waterfall sculpture cascading from the spiral staircase in the Roaden University Center from recycled bottles.

Holsenbeck travels the eastern United States to create displays at art centers, art galleries and universities. He is looking to use between 3,000 and 5,000 water bottles to create the sculpture going in the UC.

Previous art pieces include mandalas, a geometric shape which represents the universe in Buddhist and Hindu symbolism, made from bottle caps and jar lids; various wildlife creatures made from garden hoses, ticket stubs, rubber bands, yarn and other assorted recyclables; and abstracts made from cut-up bottles, plastic utensils, plastic bags and even chopsticks.

Students are urged to recycle plastic bottles in one of the many recycling bins around campus to prepare for the sculpture. There is one set of recycling bins in every building on campus, a set on each floor of the UC and two sets in the Fitness Center.