Construction for Centennial Plaza continues despite students and professors trespassing past the barriers.
Project Manager Bill Hall says that whomever goes beyond the barriers set up around South Patio and Henderson Hall are making the site more dangerous.
“Our intent is to accomplish our work in the safest manner possible. We cannot lock down building exits into the work area due to safety and fire egress issues, so we post signs and erect barriers to educate people,” Hall said in an email. “We would like to point out the dangers associated with the work area and implore people not to trespass onto a construction site.”
Hall went on to say that though the barriers and the construction are causing an inconvenience, trespassers should be aware they’re impeding the process by making the construction site more hazardous.
“With open forms, ice, mud and all the other things a jobsite has, it’s just a matter of time until someone inadvertently walks through a pour or damages work in place. Even worse, we could have someone injured in a fall or by mobile equipment. The paths and the exits from the buildings are clearly marked and blocked to the extent that the fire marshal allows,” Hall said in an email correspondence with Associate Vice President of Facilities Jack Butler.
Hall went on to say that the main perpetrators are faculty and staff of Henderson Hall.
“I’m somewhat surprised we’re having this issue with faculty/staff. The two we are aware of were either coming from or going to Henderson,” Hall said in an email. “The superintendent has several times tried to chase down a male staff/faculty member who habitually exits the doors on the back of Henderson and cuts straight through the working jobsite to get to Dixie.”
Construction on Centennial Plaza is expected to be complete this spring as weather permits.