One of the most influential, beloved and downright magical film series is coming back in full force this holiday season after an absence from the film world. It’s not “Lethal Weapon,” sadly, but something a bit spaceier – “Star Wars.” Every man, woman and child the world over has either fallen in love with or heard of “Star Wars,” and we are about to relive the experience of getting a new film this December with the release of J.J. Abrams’ “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.”
Earlier last week, tickets went on sale for the more-than-highly-anticipated film, along with its final trailer being released to the public. Reactions of the trailer, many of those including grown men crying, have been uploaded to YouTube as well as Instagram, with videos of the two lead actors from the film, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley, freaking out while watching the trailer in the comfort of their own homes. According to, “The trailer was viewed online 112 million times only 24 hours after it debuted.”
Ticket sales for the film are soaring, with online ticket distributor Fandango claiming the movie has sold eight-times the amount of tickets on the first day as the previous record holder, the first “Hunger Games” film. It is also shattering records for an Imax release, raking $6.5 million in domestic sales on the first day tickets were available. Buyers experienced issues purchasing tickets on websites such as and Fandango, with the sites crashing Monday night due to demand for the coveted tickets.
The fate of the quality of “Episode VII” all hangs in the balance, but fans are anxiously awaiting that Dec. 18 release date to see the film on the biggest screen as quickly as possible. Magic will most certainly be in the air on that night, but until then, may the force be with you, and may you buy your tickets.