
Changes to academic misconduct take place

Tech instructors are now required to file a misconduct charge against any student suspected of cheating, as the Board of Trustees reviewed Policy 217 at their latest meeting.

“The policy was somewhat inconsistently applied, the faculty could just change the student’s grade. That meant that the only recourse for the student was to appeal the grade – a very different claim,” Mark Stephens, chief academic officer, said

Claiming that the grade was wrongfully assigned was the only option a student had if they were suspected of academic misconduct.

“Now under Policy 217 we track every case, so if the student is caught cheating they have the opportunity to appeal the charge,” Stephens said.

The changes also included giving students an additional two days to appeal charges filed against them.

“I think it’s a good change. More time means less students will miss the opportunity to appeal,” Augusta Betterton, sophomore education major, said.

Dr. Stephens suggested these changes to the Board of Trustees. They unanimously approved the review.

“Students and the faculty are becoming much more aware of issues of academic misconduct. I have seen a drop-off in the number of charges, so students are getting the message that certain types of behavior are inappropriate and will not be tolerated,” Stephens said.