
Equity study shows rift in salary averages of professors

Campus salaries are lower than the national average, according to a study produced by Tech professors.

Dr. Ada Haynes, professor of sociology and political science, and Dr. Troy Smith, assistant professor of history, worked several years to develop the report showing that salaries of faculty and staff, based on averages for gender and race, are below the national average salaries compiled by College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, or CUPA. 

According to the study, at Tech an average male professor makes $11,858.52 less than the CUPA average, while the average female professor at Tech makes $17,073.14 less. School administrators, however appear to make above the averages shown in the study, which has drawn criticism.

“I don’t think the administrative salaries are above CUPA averages either. I’ve gotten 14 members on this task force […] to focus on faculty compensation, work load and annual evaluations,” President Phil Oldham said.

The professors have invited Tech board members to review the data, but they say only Melissa Geist, the faculty representative, has seen the study.

“I think the boards needs more interaction with faculty and on faculty issues,” Haynes said.

This study comes after the June 15 board of regents meeting where board member John Stites opposed the 1 percent salary raise for all faculty and staff, to meet the cost of living.

“The people who are being those innovators, the people who are being the ones who are bringing our university to the next level, are the only ones I’m interested in helping,” Stites said.

Faculty members who have levied these criticisms requested their names to be kept off the record. However, retired Tech professor Jon Jonakin says that he has heard the complaints about the board, but hopes for change.

“[The information] that [the board is] going to get is through the administration, unless they reach out to other people, faculty for instance, and they haven’t shown themselves willing to do that,” Jonakin said.