
Should faculty carry guns around campus?

According to CNN, there has been 14 school shootings in America this year, averaging one shooting per week. Students around the nation have participated in protests and walkouts, urging politicians to reform gun laws.

The topic of teachers being armed on campus has been a controversial subject since the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Students at Tech were asked, “Do you agree or disagree with teachers and professors being allowed to carry guns on campus and why?” Here’s what they had to say:

“I think that professors and faculty should be allowed to carry guns just because of all of the shootings that have been going on, and I think everybody deserves to do what they want to do,” Sara Bryant, senior, sociology.

“I disagree because I feel like that just involves more problems as far as like students being able to get a hold of guns in the classroom. If a teacher leaves the classroom, you know, kids are going to be kids. They’re going to go search for it and stuff like that so I just feel like it’s not a good idea,” Chris McElderry, senior, business.

“I disagree that professors should carry guns because what happens if a professor might snap on a student or the student snaps on the professor and grabs the gun and shoots the professor?” Norman Hand, sophomore, sport administration.

“I actually agree with the teachers being able to have guns on campus because, one, it’s safer. If you think about it, somebody can come in with a gun and you would not have any protection whatsoever, but if a teacher did have it, then it could be beneficial to you. So, it’s more beneficial because we have our own defense and the teachers can help protect us, not just hide in a room,” Abby Sunshine, freshman, pre-med.

“I agree with it because I think one good person with a gun, meaning the teacher, would help if a bad person comes in with a gun,” Emma Smith, sophomore, pre-med.