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Rain could affect baseball and softball seasons

Cookeville rain could cause canceled games and practices for the 2020 Golden Eagle baseball and softball seasons.


Scott McCrary, Campus Landscape and Ground Manager at Tech, discussed the challenges of turf care and how he preps the fields for the upcoming seasons.


“With all of the rainfall last week, over 5.5 inches, and with the amount of rain that is expected…it makes athletic and turf care challenging,” McCrary said. “Too much rain on the field could cause rainouts for the games, canceled practices, and disease in the turfgrass.”


McCrary, who has been taking care of the baseball and softball fields for 5 years, said he and the coaches take special care of the field and turf to ensure that it’s well-protected and ready to go for games and practices.


“We try to protect the plant as much as we try and protect the field,” McCrary said. “The coaches will tarp the field when rain is forecast to keep the infield and the playing surface dry. In heavy rain, we can apply certain types of wetting agents that can help dry the fields out quicker.”


With the season approaching, communication between the grounds crew and coaching staff is vital.

McCrary and the coaches work together to keep the fields in good playing condition.


“The coaches keep up with the playability of their infields, pitcher’s mound, and home plate. These areas are very challenging and time-consuming. That is why keeping these areas as dry as possible is key.” McCrary said.