Through the rest of November, SOLO will be hosting four virtual Question and Answer events with famous cast members of Saturday Night Live and Netflix.
Coordinator of Student Activities and Campus Life, Jerry Keeton, gives the inside scoop on how he got these well known comedians to speak to the Tennessee Tech community.
“We have a contract with a booking agency… students make suggestions, and later SGA votes on them,” explained Keeton.
He sends off the top four suggestions and sees what Tech can afford. He goes down the list from first to fourth choice, checking prices and the artist’s ability to schedule the date assigned.
He said the most popular suggestion was Taylor Swift, but not only is she far beyond Tech’s price range, she does not do concerts at universities.
Keeton begins coordinating the next year the day after the current year’s event,
“We are locked in a year in advance,” said Keeton.
The virtual Q And A’s have been very popular among the student body, with over 200 students signed in to the Brian Baumgartner event, famous for playing Kevin Malone in the American version of The Office.
Keeton encouraged students to submit questions for the occasion on Tech’s Student Activities page.
For more information on the upcoming virtual SOLO Q and A’s, check out