Author: Elliot Payne


This week on Campus, Febrauary 6

A bird of prey perched on a tree just outside the RUC on February 6. There are a vast number of birds of prey native to Tennessee, including the Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered hawk, and the Great horned owl, photo by Elliot Payne. Students walking to and from classes outside […]


Speech and Debate Team Compete in Online and In-Person Tournaments

Top: Kyle Heideman, Ryan Goke, Case Thomason, and Garret Kieser. Bottom: Elliot Payne, Sara Owens, and Kurapati. The Murray State Team spent the tournament helping TTU prep for rounds and prepare arguments. Photo from Carson-Newman Tournament staff.  This past weekend, Tennessee Tech’s Speech and Debate Team traveled to Carson-Newman University […]


Go Outside and Touch Some Grass

A photo of Walnut Park in Cookeville, a pleasant park for walking, biking, and picnics. Photo by Elliot Payne Despite its name, “social media” does not exist to facilitate social interaction. This is a disturbing concept for those of us who have grown up with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and […]


Under Construction

A staircase leading down to the Roaden University Center expansion in 2020, prior to it being replaced with the current plaza area. Photo by Elliot Payne. The plaza behind the Roaden University Center under construction in 2021. Photo by Elliot Payne. A look through construction fencing of the plaza behind […]


5 Tips for Public Speaking

Ask most people what their biggest fear is and you’re liable to hear public speaking at the top of a number of their lists.  Despite the prevalence of the activity, people en masse are all terrified of the prospect of talking in front of a large group of people. However, […]