

Hateful Preachers Stir Up Unrest on South Patio

If you’re like me, you avoided South Patio like a plague this week. It might as well be one considering how much time, energy, and student will it saps every year. Of course, it’s the Preachers. For those of you who don’t know, the preachers are a group of Christians […]


South Patio Preacher is Back, Students Retaliate with Vandalism

Apparently the whole campus is going to hell, or at least that is what our friendly “South Patio Preacher” would like us all to think. The sad thing about it is that many here are, but the way this man is going about trying to save people is wrong.  Christians […]


“I Think He Goes Beyond His First Amendment Rights”

I think that he goes beyond his 1st Amendment rights and causes a disruption of campus services. I don’t agree with his philosophy that he can stand on campus and consider it public property. The side walk I agree with, that is public, but when part of my tuition and […]


“It is Healthy to be Exposed to a Different Mode of Thought”

The Evangelist’s speech today on South Patio elicited varying, but intense responses from students on campus. The vast majority of the responses have been negative, and for good reason: the doctrine itself is controversial given the progressive mode of thought of much of today’s youth, and the manner in which […]


More on Syria: “Russian Option” is best way to go

Let me start by saying, I think a military strike on Syria is a horrible idea. My faith calls me to be anti-war on all levels and as an American taxpayer (kinda?) I don’t think it’s financially prudent to get involved in yet another war in the Middle East. At […]


Media misinforms about MS

The recent death of “America’s girl next door” Annette Funicello both saddened and angered me.  As a fan of Annette’s beach blanket movies, saying goodbye to such an iconic piece of Americana and my own childhood was heartbreaking.  As a fellow multiple sclerosis patient, I was angered by the misinformation […]


26 miles for 26 lives: The terror at the Boston Marathon

The 2013 Boston Marathon runners had a love for running and a goal to finish the race. They did not expect to make history. They ran for the sheer adrenaline rush, for the ones who can no longer run, for the ones they love. Monday, April 15, 2013, also known […]


An informed public is an empowered public

Safety is an issue on any campus in the U.S. and abroad. But, what do you know about the person sitting beside you? This week, someone asked about Tech’s policies regarding finding out who sex offenders are in the area, and if they attend the University. I did a little […]


What’s an ‘Accidental Racist’?

According to Wordnik.com, a racist is, “a person who believes a particular race is superior to others.” The AP newswire is reporting, “Brad Paisley’s collaboration with LL Cool J on ‘Accidental Racist’ has accidentally kicked up some controversy. The song about racial perception has drawn ire from both the country […]


Monsanto bill signed into law

March 26, while the Supreme Court hearing regarding gay marriage distracted many American citizens, President Obama signed his name to H.R. 933, a continuing resolution spending bill approved in Congress days earlier. Buried 78 pages within the bill exists a provision that grossly protects biotech corporations such as the Missouri-based […]