

Be fair to Ron Paul

Ron Paul is a fascinating figure in American politics. This claim was made in an article by Jonathan Frank in last week’s edition of The Oracle. While the claim itself is true, the article did not quite give Mr. Paul a fair analysis at all. This article was extremely biased; […]


Madonna half-time show falls flat

Oracle readers, we need to have a family discussion about that halftime show at the Super Bowl this year. Admittedly, I’m not a huge Madonna fan. Cue the letters to the editor. I would have liked to see a performance by someone who’s a little bit more current, say for […]


Freewheeling freshmen and stressed seniors

It’s amazing how much every college student changes in four short years. If you talk to college seniors and freshmen, it’s easy to see which is which. They’re at two different ends of the college spectrum. We all go through the same basic changes that take us from the freshmen […]


Ron’s record raises red flags

Ron Paul is a fascinating figure in American politics. At 76 years old, the (supposedly) Republican congressman and Presidential candidate has amassed a large base of support on college campuses across the country and has an intensely loyal group of followers who knock on doors for him, come out en […]


Anti-Muslim fear-mongering ends here

Last weekend, Republican state representative Rick Womick, of Murfreesboro, sparked controversy when he called for Muslims to be removed from the United States military. “Personally, I don’t trust one Muslim in our military,” Womick stated in an interview with Thinkprogress.org. Murfreesboro’s Daily News Journal followed up with Womick after the […]


Make Kim Kardashian go away

I, Jonathan Frank, by the power vested in me by our editor, Will, and Professor Cowart, do hereby call for a moratorium on all news coverage of Kim Kardashian. This order is effective immediately. I haven’t really cleared this with any of the other Oracle staff but I’m sure they’ll […]


Beware of sick days in college

The idea that sick students can miss class without repercussions is a myth. The first day of class, known by students as read the syllabus out loud day, always includes some policy perpetuating the sick day myth. Every instructor I’ve ever had at Tech has had a policy for sick […]


A letter to the Homecoming donut crew

This is a shoutout to the group of people on Dixie Avenue who toss donuts to students in the Homecoming parade every year. I have no idea what your names are why you all do it. All I know is that you are wonderful. You make all of the parade […]


Occupy wall street’s downward spiral

When I first heard of the “Occupy Wall Street” protests in mid-September, I was intrigued. It’s always encouraging to see people becoming engaged in the political process and challenging the apathy that typifies younger American voters. The movement raises issues that we can all likely agree upon. Wall Street has […]


The benefits of procrastination

If procrastination is so heinous, why do so many of us still do it? The honest answer is that in spite of the rushing and the stress, procrastination is awesome. I would guess that more procrastination happens in November than in any other month of the academic year. For the […]