The Tennessee Tech website underwent many changes this summer as web directors Lisa Maas and David Willis took on the task of visually and technologically improving its features.
Visitors to the new website will notice significant changes in the overall appearance of the homepage along with updated features such as the search tool and navigation section, two major goals set to be achieved during the redesign process.
“The previous site was out of maintenance,” said Maas. “Updates involved migration rather than simply updating the software. We took this as an opportunity to redesign the site as well.”
Maas and Willis played the primary role in updating and redesigning the website but also received many contributions from staff and outside sources.
“Everyone in our office contributed to one degree or another,” Willis said. “We also contracted out some portions of the work to third parties with specific areas of expertise.”
Willis said the website has been receiving both positive and negative feedback in regards to the design and software updates.
“One thing I noticed was when the browser was half the normal size, none of the submenus would stay up long enough to click the category within,” said Brenna Edwards, web design student. “I sent the site designer a note through the website form and they told me they were aware of the issue.”
The new website was planned for nearly an entire year before updates and designing took place. Overall, the project took about 14 months to complete and was made public June 2014.