The Student Government Association held 2009-2010 Executive Officer Elections this past week.The election was held online on April 14. The offices being voted for were president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. All the candidates ran unopposed except for treasurer.
“I’m confident they will do a very good job. Every new officer has served on SGA before which I’m sure will help them a lot,” President David Horton said.
Returning Secretary Erin Chamber said, “I am very excited about the new executive board. We all work great together and all have a lot of the same goals for Tech. We are going to work extremely hard to make sure that we do all that we can for this campus. Sean has tremendous leadership abilities and I can’t wait to see all he has planned for SGA.”
The elected officers are as follows: Sean Ochsenbein, president-elect; Heather Christie, vice president-elect; Erin Chambers, secretary; and Julian Lyons, treasurer-elect.
The new officers have expressed an excited outlook concerning the new appointments and say they are ready to become involved.
“I am very excited about my newly elected position and about what I hope to do for this campus and student body,” said Heather Christie, vice-president elect, “I want more interaction and communication between the student government and the student body, because after all they are one in the same.
“I would like to send out minutes of our meetings and events in emails to students and articles in The Oracle to help keep our students more informed of what is going on in their government. If anyone has any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime by email or phone. I will try to be available for anything they need. Thank you.