The Indian Association of Cookeville will host a dance concert evening from 5 to 7 p.m., Nov. 14, at Derry Berry Auditorium. Kuchipudi and Bharathanatyam Indian classical dances will be performed.According to the Kuchipudi Academy of Dance, Kuchipudi “is a classical dance form that originated in the village of Kuchipudi, in Southern India. For a long time, the art was presented only at temples and that too only for annual festivals of certain temples in Andhra Pradesh.
Bharathanatyam is India’s oldest form of classical dance.
“In the ancient times, [Bharathanatyam] used to be performed by the Devadasis in the temples of Tamilnadu as ‘dasiattam’. The postures of the Bharata Natyam dance of India have served as an inspiration for the ancient sculptures in Hindu temples,”’s section Dances of India said. “The postures of the celestial dancers depicted in the scriptures were given the name of Bharatanatyam Mudras on earth.
“The philosophy behind the dance is to search the human soul and unite with the Supreme Being. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 for non-students. For more information and ticket purchases, contact