The Appalachian Center for Craft hosts three gallery exhibits, ranging from mood-altering mixed media to up-scale culinary and comfort items.Gallery One houses a Meg Roberts collection titled “Mood Alteration” until Thursday. If focuses on personal, interactive and environments.
Gallery Two is showing a Brian Ferrell household items collection until Thursday Feb. 18.
Gallery Three holds a collection that artist Nathan Dube titled “Boys Toys,” which is ment to examine the ideas of childhood and how male adulthood is shaped by contemporary culture. Dube’s collection is shown until March 10.
The galleries host between 20 and 25 exhibits each year, ranging from traditional to contemporaty art. They are open to visitors seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
For more information or directions, go to or call (931)372-3051.