The highly acclaimed band, Those Darlins, will be gracing the stage at Tech on Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Backdoor Playhouse.Those Darlins brings an original sound to the stage with their blend of pop, rock and country. Laced within the lyrics of their songs are messages about female empowerment, music history and egalitarian ideals. On top of all that, add a pinch of late 1970s punk and you have a band that appeals to nearly every taste.
The band has recently won several awards including a New York Times’ Pick and a Boston Globe “Band to Break in ’09.” In addition, they have earned coverage in Bust and American Songwriter.
Billboard’s Bill Werde named them “Best Band I Didn’t Really Know Before I Got to SXSW (South by Southwest).” Following the festival, Paste and USA Today listed Those Darlins among the best performances for the entire show.
Although Those Darlins is now based out of Murfreesboro, Tenn., the members hail from all over the Southeast. Kelley Darlin, the band’s bassist, hails from South Carolina. Guitarist Jessi Darlin comes from Kentucky and Nikki Darlin, who plays the baritone ukulele, is from Virginia.
In addition to Those Darlins, Jill Andrews will be joining the show. Andrews’ musical stylings are very soulful and reminiscent of her moving fron Johnson City, Tenn. to Knoxville.
With so much talent on one stage, your Thursday night plans need to include this concert.
The show is free to Tech students. Center Stage, WTTU, Tech Players, and The Women’s Center are sponsoring the show.