Almost identical on the outside to New Hall South, New Hall North has upgraded to a more modern style.”We are trying to make it less institutional and more like home,” Housing Director Charles Macke said.
Scheduled to be completed in early June, fall students should have a new dorm to occupy. Though a name has not been settled for the resident hall, Macke said New Hall North is better that A Hall and B Hall or New Hall and Newer Hall.
The $22 million, four-story building will house 338 students. Single rooms will make up 1/3 of the rooms, while the rest will be double rooms. Residential life has been working to make the building’s décor more likeable. ( The hallways have been painted a contemporary light blue and green, while the rooms feature a dark wood stain for a more stylish look. The bathrooms have the same dark color sink counters, while the floor is an earth-tone tile.
New Hall North is the first residential hall that has been constructed with single rooms. The single rooms will feature a full-size bed and will have private bathrooms.
Starting in August, both New Halls will accept residents of any grade classification.
The New Hall also has three separated laundry rooms with a recreational room attached. The recreational room will be a place for people to congregate and watch one of the big screen TVs that will be placed on each floor.
As you walk into the new hall, there will be an information desk and a vending area. The first floor will also have a grill from which to order food. Next to the grill, will be an Outtakes to accommodate students on the go. The recreational room will have games such as ping-pong, pool and foosball.
Campus sororities and the environmental village will meet on the fourth floor. The sororities will each have their own room, which they can decorate accordingly.
The advantage of living in New Hall North is “developing relationships with people who are similar to you and different from you,” Macke said. “College is about sitting around at two o’clock in the morning playing cards and arguing about politics.