The Tech Players debuted their production of “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller last night at The Backdoor Playhouse. The tone of the play is a very somber one, based on the life of a traveling salesman with many issues at home and within his own mind. The players did a tremendous job of capturing intense emotions of the characters they were performing.
There were bits of humor scattered in the script, however, that did not take away from the serious subject matter dealt with in the play. A battle of love and expectations was fought between father and sons with an anxious mother caught up in the unfortunate mix.
Actor Evan Montgomery put on a great show as Hap, the younger brother of the troubled family. His character brought mediation to a lot of the turmoil produced between the father, William, and eldest son, Biff.
Including an intermission, the play ran almost three hours. There are a lot of monologue-type scenes that can seem a bit drawn-out, but the emotion is there to keep you enticed.
Viewers should be cautioned about the content of the show. There is a scene where the actors smoke, and there is also strong language used throughout the play.
The show will be put on April 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, at 8 p.m. with an additional late show performance 10 p.m. April 14, at and a Matinee performance at 2 p.m. April 16.
Tickets are $12 general admission, $10 for senior citizens and $5 for Non-Tech students. Tech students are free when they present their ID. Tuesday is Tech employee appreciation night; the performance is open to all, but Tech employees get in for $5 with their ID. To make a reservation, call 931-372-6595.