The senior running back from Lexington, Ky. recently set a Tech record by becoming the first Tech player to run for more than 100 yards while also having more than 100 yards receiving in the same game. Gay currently leads the OVC in rushing yards.
If he could be anyone on his team he would be: Richmond Tooley, cornerback
His favorite song to pump him up pre-game: “Nightmares” by Lil Wayne
His favorite food in the Caf: Chicken
His favorite NFL team: The Philadelphia Eagles (at the moment)
His favorite thing to do when bored: Play Video Games
His most important personal goal for the past four years: Win the OVC
The game most memorable to him: The game with his first touchdown – his freshman year against EIU
How many awards he has won at Tech: 5
His greatest accomplishment: Breaking a Tech record
What changes he sees in Tech Football as time passes: More depth, more traditions