Day: December 1, 2011


Finals increase coffee sales

As finals approach, Tech students are filling up not only the library, but also the on-campus coffee shops. “The cofee sales at Starbucks go up more than 10 percent every year when finals week arrives,” Janetta Hunter, Starbucks manager, said. “This is not random. It’s because of finals week.” Hunter […]


Nutritional information lacking in campus dining

lt;a href=” campus_dining_nutrition_quiz” _cke_saved_href=” campus_dining_nutrition_quiz”>campus_dining_nutrition_quiz</a> Students looking for nutrition information for on-campus dining choices may be out of luck. Au Bon Pain displays calorie information for its products. Other than the Healthy Choice display in the cafeteria, Au Bon Pain is the only dining offering on campus that has nutritional […]


Mid-semester break may be lost as TBR common calendar comes up for review

Tennessee Board of Regents institutions may soon see changes in their academic calendars, including a potential shift in fall break schedules. Dec. 12, the members of the TBR Common Calendar Re-Evaluation Committee will meet to report their findings. Among the problems the committee plans to address is the Tech calendar […]


Engineering organization to travel overseas for construction projects

Some of Tech’s engineering students are taking their skills overseas to help less fortunate communities. Engineers Without Borders is a new student organization that will go to foreign countries to complete projects. The projects deal with building and rebuilding structures in a safer, more efficient way. There is a wide […]


Student illness on the rise

Studying for finals is not the only thing keeping Tech students confined to their rooms. Although Health Services usually treats more students closer to finals as they fall ill to cold symptoms and strep throat, a recent outbreak of viruses, is causing more students to visit Health Services said Cynthia […]


TBR representative chosen to speak at fall commencement ceremony

Approximately 700 seniors will graduate from Tech on Saturday Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. in the Hooper Eblen Center. Only one commencement ceremony will take place this semester instead of the two ceremonies last semester. According to Debbie Combs, special projects coordinator, Tech’s spring commencements are typically larger than fall […]


Recent Tech speaker reconsiders GOP run

Much has changed for Republican candidate Herman Cain since his recent visit to Tech’s campus on Oct. 15, where he spoke from the steps of Derryberry Hall. “Most everyone in the crowd definitely liked how down to earth he was,” Clay Stubblefield, president of the College Republicans, said. “He was […]

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Residential hall to undergo renovations in 2013

Tech anticipates closing half of residential hall M.S. Cooper/Pinkerton during the 2013 spring semester to begin a $3 million renovation project. According to Charles Macke, director of residential life, it will be a major renovation, complete with new air conditioning and heating units, doors, plumbing, bathroom units, vinyl plank flooring […]